Regence Logos

Browse alphabetically for topics addressed in Regence Medical Policies:

Medical Policy


Please note: We are continually adding items to improve this index. If you are unable to find the term you are looking for, may we suggest you use the search engine at the top of this page to conduct a search for the term.

Last updated: (April 7, 2024)


Wallis® Mechanical Normalization System
Warfarin Response Test
Whole body dual x-ray absorptiometry; body composition
Whole-body CT
Whole body hyperthermia
Wingspan™ Stent System
Wound healing; growth factors
Wounds, vacuum assisted closure


Comments from physicians and other health care practitioners regarding Regence medical policies are welcome. If you are a physician and have a question or comment regarding a medical policy, please contact the medical policy staff through our secure form.